Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cool Ribbons For Vollleyball

Palazzo Farnese collections from the Renaissance to the French Embassy

Arts and collections, but above all the history of the Beautiful, on a trip in time for the first time, back to the treasure house of Farnese.

It 's a monumental tribute to Italian art and Roman taste, and even more to the philosophy of contextualization of the work, the exhibition "Renaissance Palazzo Farnese collections from the embassies of France, which for the first time open to the public for a long time the doors of the Palace, Embassy, \u200b\u200breporting on the inside, thanks to a series of loans outstanding, over one hundred and fifty paintings, drawings, sculptures, coins, tapestries and ceramics from the collection original, in a path that comes from the pomp-century to today.

In a game atmosphere, the exhibition process starts from the courtyard where they were placed sculptures in the shapes of the Farnese Hercules, Hercules Latino, and Toro Farnese, near the porphyry statue of Apollo, known then as Rome Triumphant. A

become the main protagonist, however, is the picture gallery set up on the floor, with, among others, works by Titian, El Greek, Sebastiano del Piombo, in addition to preparatory drawings by Annibale Carracci and the tapestries of the Quirinale.

On holidays you can visit the Sala dei Fasti Farnese, painted by Salviati and Zuccari. And studies are under way for the restoration of the Farnese Gallery, soon the subject of an exhibition that will bring back inside the original sculptures.

The exhibition Palazzo Farnese collections Renaissance to the French Embassy, \u200b\u200bis open from
17:12:10 27.04.11 at Palazzo Farnese, Via Giulia
, 186.
Tickets € 12/15, booking advised to


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