Sunday, October 26, 2008

How Long Does Pinot Nroi Last

What prospects? LOVE & PEACE

After a summer of less exciting and interesting events that you think have to characterize the 2009 Weigh again .. the elections for the new town council the relaunch of the festival in August from a renewed awareness of organizational method of associations including the pro loco .. urge a return to the culture at large, to involve the community in all social activities and entertainment .. not the generational can remain pure theoretical goal but a springboard to rebuild from a vitality and incite .. then we begin to talk and to gather suggestions that are critical and at the same time proactive .. in the meantime we started throwing Longanesi the colors of the next (tenth) edition of "love & peace" trying not to limit ourselves only to the organization of the party in the strict sense of the word.


by enlightened despot